RPG Site of the Day: Dragonsfoot

This is the beginning of a regular feature here: The RPG Site of the Day.  This feature will rotate with a few other features to provide something new here on a daily basis.  (In other words, there probably won’t be a new “RPG Site of the Day” every day, but there will be one every couple of days.)

I’ve had some good interactions and constructive criticism with the forum members at Dragonsfoot.  The site is worth visiting just for the intelligent discussion in the forums, but it offers much more.  It has many resources for your games such as maps, magic items, game modules, and a spell library.  It seems to have an AD&D first edition focus (in fact one of the site’s tag lines is “Welcome to the home of first edition of AD&D!”)  but it does have sections for other versions such as Second Edition and Original D&D as well as places for related fantasy games like Savage Worlds and Lejendary Journeys. Furthermore the community seems very open and I haven’t detected any D&D version or game system snobbery.

Check out Dragonsfoot at http://www.dragonsfoot.org.