Tabletop RPG Selection Chart & Computer RPG Timeline Posters Kickstarter Update

I’m hoping to pick up the momentum for this project…  So if you can, please spread the word!

Here’s a short description: The project will create two beautiful isometric dungeon maps which give an overview of tabletop RPGs or computer RPGs.  The tabletop version shows 100+ RPGs organized as a selection flowchart.  Pick a genre from the edge of the map and answer questions to find an RPG.  The computer RPG map is a timeline of computer RPGs. Each will come with a pack of monster stickers–place the stickers in the rooms of the games you’ve played or use them for any other purpose.  The more backers we get, the more stickers we’ll add.

With that out of the way, here’s the survey link that is designed to help us decide which games to add to the two maps:

The survey will run to 9am July 18th (US east coast time).  At this point everyone is welcome to take the survey. (Backers & watchers & passers-by.)

I’ve also updated the samples on the main project page with the latest revisions Keith and Robert have sent me.  (A portion of one is included here; more info below the picture.)

For the computer RPG map, I still hope to add some more embellishments pre-2003 but you can see those sections are mostly done.  However, we will still be adding labels for the years of sequels throughout the map.  The survey will help us decide the post 2003 games.

The tabletop RPG map is more likely to have changes throughout the design, so Keith and I decided to focus on just a few small areas for now.  This will mean less rework if a number of rooms need to be moved to add other rooms.

Another Inkwell Ideas product is up for an ENnie award, so hopefully that can bring some attention to this project as well as some posts about the new samples.  But if you can also mention the project please do! Tell your local game shop owner about the retailer special; post it on your Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter; tell the folks in your group in person; post it on a message board; write a blog article.  I really tried to reward everyone for spreading the word from the very beginning of the project by making the number of monster stickers dependent on the number of backers. (5 backers = 1 more sticker for everyone.)