Worldographer/Hexographer 2 Final Hours

As I post this there are about 13.5 hours left to get in on the Worldographer/Hexographer 2 Kickstarter.  Worldographer (aka Hexographer 2) is a world/kingdom map maker and a whole lot more.  As a map-maker, it is easy to use because it specialized in making maps in a few styles, including an all-new isometric style. But it will also generate a lot of data about your world, if you want to use that.  (Or use it for inspiration by building on some of it and dropping what you don’t like.)

Here is a run-down of recently unlocked and upcoming stretch goals.

  • UNLOCKED! $34,000: Auto-populate a map with nations/empires, cities, towns, and villages.
  • UNLOCKED! $35,000: 10 Extra mostly Greek “Alternate Classic” icons added to the Expanded Alternate Classic icons set.
  • UNLOCKED! $36,500: Export to PDF. The print integration can be a little finicky. A built-in print-to-PDF option gives more control and lets you see the result before it is printed.
  • UNLOCKED! $37,500: 15 Extra mostly Viking “Isometric” icons added to the Isometric icons set.
  • UNLOCKED! $39,000: Add 40+ more isometric terrain icons to the core program. Get one or two more versions of most of the terrain. This gives more variety.
  • UNLOCKED! $40,000: 10 Extra mostly Viking “Alternate Classic” icons added to the Expanded Alternate Classic icons set.
  • UNLOCKED! $41,500: Add population sizes for each hex to the map auto-populator.
  • UNLOCKED! $42,500: 15 Extra mostly Roman “Isometric” icons added to the Isometric icons set.

I really like this approach of giving everyone a little extra as the project grows. If you’re not pledged to get the icon packs, you can see how the value keeps getting better & better.  (The value of the core program gets better and better as well, but almost everyone is backing for that.)  I’ve added several more stretch goals through $50,000:

  • $44,000: Add ruins, mines, forts and castles to the map auto-populator.
  • $45,000: 10 Extra mostly Roman “Alternate Classic” icons added to the Expanded Alternate Classic icons set.
  • $46,000: 15 Extra mostly East Asian “Isometric” icons added to the Isometric icons set.
  • $47,500: Add climate info for each hex. Based on some initial settings of your world and a hex’s longitude and latitude, it give you seasonal temperature and rainfall info as well as a few other details.
  • $48,500: 10 Extra mostly East Asian “Alternate Classic” icons added to the Expanded Alternate Classic icons set.
  • $50,000: Configuration tool. Although adding custom terrain and icons is already designed to be easier than ever, this tool will make it easy to assign attributes to those items: which terrain is similar to a given terrain for generating a child map, hex resource & climate info, etc.

And beyond that, we’ll see! (Although that is a lot to climb.)  We’ve got more icon rewards set, and I’ve got ideas for several more features.

One cautionary note about the stretch goals.  We’re adding a lot and sometimes that can doom a project.  But all of these are digital so distribution isn’t hard and there isn’t a per-unit cost involved.  However, these will take time to write/draw.  Rest assured we’ll give you a functional program with all the core features and icon sets by February as promised.  If we need extra time for some features, we can always add them through updates.