Sidequest: Summoning Gone Awry?

Wizard's Tower w/Petrified Wizard (made in Worldographer).
Wizard’s Tower w/Petrified Wizard (made in Worldographer).

One more example of experimenting with our sidequest format:

Background Info: A wizard either mistakenly summoned a gorgon or one was summoned for him. It was able to petrify him & his apprentices!

Getting the PCs Involved:

  • Another wizard has lost contact with the petrified wizard. He hires the PCs to investigate.
  • An enemy wizard teleported a gorgon into the wizard’s tower. He want the PCs to make sure the job is done, but he hires them through an intermediary.


  • As the PCs approach the tower, they may hear loud noises from the basement.
  • The front door is locked, and all doors & windows are trapped.  How do the PCs get in?
  • Something else that was trapped in the basement makes its way up the stairs as the PCs enter the main room.
  • In the basement, the gorgon has petrified the wizard and his apprentices.  He has already been munching on the apprentices’ petrified bodies. The gorgon tries to tramples the first PC it sees. It will use its paralyzing breath instead if it will affect several foes at once.
  • The library on the second floor has a scroll that will restore the wizard from petrification. But a book golem defends the room! It is fairly intelligent and can be reasoned with.

Follow-Up Adventure Ideas:

  • The wizard may offer a reward for help restoring the apprentices, if possible.
  • Why did the summoning go wrong?  Or who else summoned it here?

Other Possible Creatures: Basilisk, Medusa