Random City Map Generator


  • If you set each section to “No XYZ section” the system will treat them all as random.
  • There isn’t a way to get a particular map back… and there are 1000s of combinations so you should take a screenshot or print the webpage to a pdf to save one you like.
  • Generate an entire city with just a few settings in literally two minutes. Or create the city step by step (editing as you go) or hand place everything.
  • Populates data for each building: people (names, races, personalities, etc.) and price lists if it is a store, inn, armorsmith, etc.
  • Map and store/people date is always editable no matter how it is created.



(Note that if the map is rotated the sections rotate.)

Join (if the join sections exist):


For a much more dynamic random city with many more options, try Worldographer’s City/Town/Village Generator. Set one window of options (population, coast, river, etc.) and it generates a city in a minute. Or start with a blank map, and using the Generate menu generate the coast & river (if you want them), main roads, city wall (if you want it), streets (haphazard or branching layouts are recommended), buildings, and vegetation. Or hand place everything. No matter how you make the settlement, every building (a “Feature” can be moved) as well as every street (as a “Shape”).