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Random Rumors
Some of these are tongue-in-cheek, some tell the questioner to stop asking, some add details that have no plot hooks,
some can be turned into plot hooks if you desire, and most should give you a seed for a conversation.
- Marera over there in the corner--No! Don't Look--is said to be unhappy with the Duke.
- I can't wait for the dance on the winter solstice. I'm going to ask Danal to go with me.
- I don't care. Watch my drink, I gotta take a piss.
- You seem like a fine fellow. If you need anything from the Roton's general store, tell them Nararia sent you. They'll give you my discount.
- The coffee here is really good, especially if you've had a tough night.
- Keep an eye on Perfield sleeves if you ever play cards.
- Yeah, I found some unusual tracks out by my barn. Had a horse missing too.
- I'm going to keep drinking until you start looking good.
- Who cares about that when we're talking about Harfield the Lumberjack's son running off with Verera.
- What is best in life?!?
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