Roleplaying City Map Generator


The “Roleplaying City Map Generator” information and download is below, but first a little about Cityographer.  Cityographer lets you instantly create a city map and details–residents, store inventories & prices, etc. (The Roleplaying City Map Generator is just a map and not easily editable.)  You can have the program do it all in one step, or run it in a step-by-step fashion and edit the map and details as you go. Everything created is always completely editable. It has free and pro versions.  The Free version limits you to generating 5000 residents worth of buildings at a time and limits a couple of other nice-to-have features.

Roleplaying City Map Generator


Example: a small town with a city wall.
Example: a small town with a city wall.

You define the values of various parameters, either manually or via pre-defined or own templates. These parameters describe the appearance of buildings, streets, parks, places, rivers, and the city wall, and hereby define the individual character of a specific settlement such as villages, small towns, or big cities. Based on these parameters and a certain amount of random impact, the Roleplaying City Map Generator creates a city allowing the user to watch the growth of the settlement live in the preview window. If you don’t like the result: Just change the values or keep them constant, and start the city map generation again and again, until the finished settlement meets your demand. The parameter set as well as the finished city map can be saved for later use.


100% Freeware according to via the internet way-back machine.


Zip file only for Windows

7 Comments on “Roleplaying City Map Generator

  1. I’m not the programmer of this one, and don’t have the source code. No point in posting here that you want a mac version. But I do have my own, albeit more limited but with better graphics. See the sidebar links. And eventually I’ll get to improving those/integrating them with Hexographer.