RPG Site of the Day: DragonLance Nexus

The folks behind the DragonLance Nexus website do an incredible job of keeping everyone up to date on one of fantasy’s most dynamic worlds.  Ever since the first novels and RPG games in 1984 the series has added several novels each year and even more game books.

The site won a well-deserved  award for best game-related fan site last year.   The site’s design is beautiful.  Simple, yet there’s so much information easily accessible.  News items are prominent, but irreverent things that set the right tone (Quote of the Day, Weather Forecast including a look at the phases of Krynn’s three moons) are also included.

Key features include: fan-submitted game rules for things unique to the DragonLance setting, updates and previews of new products and books, and a wiki devoted to everything about the setting.