RPG Inspirational Place of the Day: Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is recognizable to almost any American, and is well-known throughout the world. The monument immortalizes four of America’s greatest presidents.

The monument took over 14 years to build between 1927 and 1941, using the technology available at the time. The project cost just under one million dollars (not adjusted for inflation), but no one died while working on the project despite it’s size and danger.

Other similar monuments in real life and fantasy include Stone Mountain, Georgia and the statues of Isildur and Anarion on each side of the river Anduin in Lord of the Rings.

In your fantasy world, great civilizations may construct similar monuments to remember their best leaders.  How did they build these monuments?  Additionally, keeping in mind some of the rules of Dungeoncraft:

  • What secret might exist related to the monument?  Is there a hidden cavern?  Maybe it was later cursed?  On the other hand, maybe the monument has some magical properties?  Or perhaps the monument itself is a clue to a bigger secret.
  • What good stories can you develop about these leaders?