Hexographer Hex Mapping Software Gets More Customization Options

There have been several updates to my Hexographer software since I last wrote a blog entry about it:

  • Users can change the orientation of the hexes on the map.  In other words, until now the hexes have always been stacked so the map has even columns but the rows of hexes zig-zag due to the angled sides.  Now a user can switch the map orientation so the rows are neatly ordered but the columns zig-zag.  Look for the “Map Orientation” drop-down on the Hexographer software’s setup screen.
  • The map orientation can also be switched as a user edits a map by going to the “Options” menu and choosing between the “Hex Orientation” options.  However, this should be avoided once lines (roads, coastlines, rivers, etc.) have been drawn on the map because the map will shift if the hex orientation changes.
  • A “Pan” button was added to the bottom right corner.  This button puts the map in a mode so that dragging the map will move the map as the mouse moves.  A few other text buttons have changed to icon buttons.
  • Users can customize the terrain hexes and features by accessing the “Options” menu and choosing “Customize Hexes.”  In the web-based version of the Hexographer, users can change a hex’s background color, whether that terrain/feature type should display its icon, and how big the icon is displayed as a percentage of the a hex’s smaller dimension.  The stand-alone (downloaded) Pro version (coming soon) of the Hexographer will allow a user to swap in a different icon for any/each terrain or feature type.

2 Comments on “Hexographer Hex Mapping Software Gets More Customization Options

  1. I just had a go, and the results look great, but for some reason, after about 3 clicks, hexes stay on automatically and start appearing wherever the cursor goes…

    Other than that, this is fantastic 🙂

    Craig J. Brain