Extremely Early Results for the RPG Blog Readers Survey
When I first posted about the survey and when I launched it, I promised to release the results periodically. The survey has been up for most of a day, so I thought it would be a good idea to post some initial results. I know I won’t be posting updated results every day, but I will do so regularly through the end of the survey.
These results are still early, so while they are interesting I wouldn’t try to draw any conclusions yet. I plan to run the survey for almost two more weeks.
If you haven’t taken the survey yet, please do so before examining the results so that you aren’t biased by the other answers. The survey is at: http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=NLJOJ_6cc605e2
Allow me to mention a couple of other items about the survey to serve as a sort of spoiler space:
- So far, in a little less than a day, there have been 60 responses.
- If you have a blog or if you are a regular on a message board where the survey hasn’t been posted, please consider a post and link to the survey. This will make the survey better by increasing the sample size and lowering the bias than might have been caused by me posting about the survey on web sites I read regularly.
- There probably should have been a couple of other game systems listed for the questions about game systems. Any system that gets a few write in votes will be added to the next version of the survey. (Maybe that will come out in 6 months to one year.) Already FUDGE, Call of Cthulu, and World of Darkness have been mentioned a few times. I think anyone who looks over the survey results needs to put more weight than the number of votes indicate for the write-in game systems because for everyone who took the time to write them in others might have checked a box that explicitly called out that game system if a checkbox for it existed.
- Another commenter mentioned that bad (web) design is a blog turnoff. That actually relates to a question that I neglected, which was roughly “What design elements don’t you like on a blog?” But we were trying to clarify that and develop the answer choices and it was left off the survey.
- Another turnoff that was mentioned in comments outside of the survey was “the amount of racism/sexism present.” The commenter continued, “It’s pervasive in the geek community, and too many people accept it and encourage it without thinking about the effect it has on other readers.”
- If you have comments about the survey in general or the results so far, please post a comment!
With that out of the way, here are the responses to date:
Glad to see I’m not the only troglodyte who manually clicks around to see if any of the articles I’m interested in have further comments.