More Menu Choices for the Random Inn Generator
I’m trying to keep making progress on other projects, so today I just have a bunch of additional menu items for the random menus in the Random Inn Generator:
- Kito’s Spiced Potatoes
- Spinach Mashed Potatoes
- Pickled Beats
- Boiled Leeks
- Artichoke Soup
- Clam Chowder
- Oyster and Mushroom Stew
- Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew
- Garlic & Basil Leg of Lamb
- Cornish Hens with Olives
- Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms
- Braised Minotaurtail with Mushrooms
- Spicy Hellhound Claws
- Purple Worm Cakes
- Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato (Of course, if the inn has a good cook the mutton is nice and lean.)
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