Random Inn Generator (w/floorplans) Gets Random Menus

I’ve made a pretty significant upgrade to my random inn generator project. It now offers randomly generated menus! About two weeks ago here I asked for suggestions based on the medieval themed menus I was able to find on-line.
A few people wanted to see simpler menus, and a few people wanted menus that included fantasy beast ingredients. I’ve been able to accommodate both requests by allowing options. If you set the “Menu Variety” to “poor” you’ll be left with only basic menu items. If you set “Has Fantasy Foods” to “Yes” you will get some unusual ingredients as long as “Menu Variety” is not “Poor” and it isn’t randomly set to “Poor” if you leave it blank.
In the case of drinks, again if the “Menu Variety” is “Poor” you get a menu with just the basic Ale, Wine, etc. If you pick something other than “Poor” (or the random selection is not “Poor”) you’ll get seven or eleven drink options. Many of these have names as if they are named after a city, river, country, etc., or as if they simply have a sort of brand name.
Note that next up will be some more random floorplan tiles. There are currently at least two random tiles for each part of the inn, but I’m planning on adding at least a whole new second floor.
I’d still like to add more options for foods and drinks, so please post with any suggestions!
Hi! I just found your site via the Swords & Wizardry boards. I love your Inn generator!
If it’s not too presumptuous to ask, can I make a feature request? I would love it if there was a button to make a neat and printable version for any particular result so that I can save them. Not being a computer programmer I have no idea whether this would be 30-seconds work or incredibly difficult. I hope it’s the former.
I’ve added some instructions to the page regarding how to print the floorplans. Basically, you’re best bet is to do a printscreen, then paste that into a new image in your favorite image editor and finally crop it.
I’m not sure how tricky it would be to implement, but a graph/hex toggle would be a really nice addition. Maybe even an option for graph/hex size preferences (3′ hex, 5′ square, 10′ square, etc).
Even as is, I’m thinking I’ll be putting this to use soon. Thank you very much!