RPG Magazine List/Roundup Spring 2010
For a number of reasons I wanted to catalog/list the many RPG game magazines available in print and PDF. I was surprised at how many I found! Here’s a list with a short overview and link to each one. If you know of others that I should include or have corrections, please post a comment. I’ plan to update this every 6 months or so. Note that I’m not including magazines that haven’t published in the past few months.
On to the list!

Crusader:Volume 5 Issue 23 is most recent. Paid Print and Subscription.
New adventures, additives, and all manner of expansions for your table top role playing game. Focused on Castles and Crusades, but likely easily portable to 1st edition D&D and in with some work to other similar RPGs.
Encounter: “Dedicated to the classic Dungeons and Dragons game.” Issue 1 was March 2010. Free PDF with a print version through Lulu.
Focused on classic D&D. “Old school” reviews, adventures, DM tips, new monsters, roundup of “Old school” blogs.
Fight On!: “A Fanzine for the Old-School Renaissance.” Issue 8 was Winter 2010. Paid PDF and (online) print versions.
New races, classes, spells, tables, gods, monsters, traps, reviews, mini-campaigns, longer adventures, mini-dungeons, and lots of other goodies.
Irregular: “Your free, quarterly hobby magazine.” Issue 4 was Spring 2010. Free PDF.
General fantasy and science fiction gaming, contests, interviews, lots of miniatures pictures and art, reviews.
Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine: Issue 162 was April 2010.Paid Print and Subscription.
Kenzer and Co’s gaming magazine. Includes Knights of the Dinner Table comic strips, previews and new material for Kenzer and Co’s RPGs (Hackmaster, Kingdoms of Kalamar, Aces & Eights, etc.) as well as general gaming articles, reviews, and more.
KnockSpell: “Quarterly Resource for Old-school Gaming.” Issue 4 was April 2010. Paid PDF and (online) print versions.
Focused on retro-clone and out-of-print gaming. Adventures, GM articles, general tips, new magic items, etc.
Kobold Quarterly: Issue 13 was Spring 2010. Paid PDF and (distributed in stores) Print versions. Subscriptions also available.
Focused on OGL 3.5, Pathfinder and 4E games. GM Articles, player articles, new monsters, monster ecologies, new maps/mini-encounters, etc.
Level Up: Issue 3 was March 2010. Paid PDF and (online) print versions.
4E magazine includes Bestiary articles, alternate rules, advice, adventures and more.
Pyramid: Issue #3/19 is most recent. Paid PDF.
Long-running house magazine of Steve Jackson games which publishes GURPS. Each issue has a theme, such as “space exploration” or “clerics.”
The Rifter: Issue #50 was shipped in April 2010. Paid PDF and Print versions.
House magazine of Palladium Books. Includes articles expanding Palladium’s games such as RIFTS, Palladium Fantasy, Robotech, etc.
Signs and Portents: Mongoose Publishing’s “house magazine.” issue 80 was May 2010. Free PDF (Was a distributed, paid-for magazine several years ago.)
Previews and new material for Mongoose Publishing’s games (Conan, Traveller, Lone Wolf, RuneQuest, Paranoia, etc.)
Star Frontiersman: Issue 14 was April 2010. Free PDF.
New equipment, adventures, optional rules, fiction, encounters, and more for the classic Star Frontiers game.
Can you add my magazine ‘Oubliette’ to the list please.
There is also the Guild Companion http://www.guildcompanion.com/ a fanzine for I.C.E. products.
Thanks for including Irregular Magazine – issue 5 will be out on July 3rd, and all our back issues remain available (and free) on our website).
Great! I’ve been looking for a list like this. Thanks for putting it together.
The site and tools are very impressive too. I’ll be a regular visitor.