Free Superhero Generator
Another project I’ve been working on is a superhero generator using the Icons rules. (Of course my other bigger projects are linked in the sidebar including a random inn generator (which does floorplans, menus, rumors, and staff & patrons); a random magic shop inventory generator; a tile-based random dungeon generator; and of course my map software projects.) This is still very alpha as there is a lot I want to do with it (more on that below.) Right now it is a 5 step process that is mostly automated but one can override everything:
- On the first page, the generator randomly determines the character’s origin and ability scores. You can tweak these if you really want to. Or you may refresh the page for a new set of random scores and origin.
- On the second page the system random determines the character’s powers. If a power requires 2 slots, the next power slot is marked as such. The system also randomly determines the number of specialties. You may change the powers and number of specialties, or you can refresh the page for a new set.
- The next page allows you to select the character’s specialties. These are not randomly determined at this point, although to allow for a completely random character that feature may be added.
- Next, one selects or writes in a name and whether the character is a hero/villain/other and male/female/other. For a name, the system randomly picks one of 3-4 names for each power (it has a couple hundred names built in!) and if one has fewer than 5 powers it adds a couple more generic names to make a list of 5 names for you to choose between. Then you may add an honorific, suffix, and ending. So the system may give you the names Marathon (based on Super-speed), Tantrum (based on Emotion Control), and Psi-cop (based on telepathy) and add two more generic names. (Note there is a bug related to the generic names, but it should be fixed later today.) In front of that name you can put Dr., Mrs., etc. And you can add boy, man, woman, etc. to the end of the name. Further you can add II, III, Mark 3 and a few others after the name. But if you have a good idea for a name or the suggested names inspired a new name, there is a textfield where you can enter a custom name.
- Finally, a page that looks like a character sheet appears. On the bottom is a 3-5 sentence character background. Each origin currently has three main character backgrounds and each of these will vary depending on if the character is a hero, villain or other. Also, something other fact in each of these backgrounds also varies: the name of a planet, the type of research being performed, etc. (Note that currently about half the origins are just short bullets, but they’ll all be fleshed out shortly.) The page also has textfields to type in the first appearance, secret ID, height, weight, aspects, and other things that weren’t previously completed. This page may be printed or you may save a screenshot.
As I wrote above, it is an alpha version. Here’s a list of things to add/fix:
A header graphic/logo.Allow the origin to be a drop-down selector in case you want to choose an origin.Maybe randomly determine the specialties.Fix spelling of Villain.Add “Captain” as another name prefix.The generic names aren’t appearing.- Add Aspects to the process instead of just typing them in on the last page.
- Likewise, add the secret ID to the name page (randomly generate at least one option) so it can be used in the random background text.
- Add more random backgrounds. At the moment, half of them are just 3-4 word bullets.
- I’m working on a simplified character portrait tool, but for now look up the UGO Heromachine. What I’m planning is simpler (fewer options) and therefore easier to get random results that make sense.
Please post if you have another idea to improve it!
Edit: Several fixes/additions have been made (marked above).
Excellent! Loving it so far and I’ll be watching this develop (not that it needs much enhancement as-is right now) with great interest.
Thank you, as ever.
Thanks! I’m excited about it. Can’t wait to add more stuff.
Awesome! I love the ICONS random character system and was itching to have a free generator available on the web. Now I don’t have to write one myself.
When we are done creating a random character what do you use to battle with the stats that you have put on the character sheet how to battle?
The tool uses the Icons character generation rules, so that would be your best bet for battle rules.
What if I wanted to play against my friends and it on paper to battle which stats off the random character sheet would you recommend or if the stat is not???