Hex Map of the RPG Community

“Morrus” (maintainer/admin/? of ENWorld) used my Hexographer project to put together a hex map of the RPG community.  The second link goes to a thread discussing it including a prominent link in the first message to the most current version.

As I posted there: you just never know what uses people will find for some tools.

Also, what can the features (castle, tower, ruins, city, battle icons) and lines be used for?  Maybe roads can show how interconnected the forums are including how many people crossover between forums.  Maybe icons could signify prominent threads, flamewars, etc.

2 Comments on “Hex Map of the RPG Community

  1. Morrus is the owner/admin of ENWorld. He took over from Eric Noah many moons ago and turned the fansite into a business site. It’s still run by allot of us volunteers but it’s grown leaps and bounds from what it once was.

  2. That’s basically what I thought. The “?” was there in recognition of the many extra hats an admin wears that most people don’t hear about.