Toward a Truly Random City Map Generator

Random City Generator v2 Example
Random City Generator v2 Example (click to enlarge)

A couple of months ago I put together a template based random city map generator.  Then a few weeks ago I did a random village generator (using SVG graphic in that case.) But I always wanted to do something much more dynamic, especially regarding the city map generator.  This is the first step toward that!  Here’s a link to where you can try it:

For now, you can’t save the image directly.  You’ll need to use your computer’s print screen functionality.  But that will improve significantly.  So will the graphics (textures will be added) and many other bells and whistles.

The maps won’t be perfect.  After all while the algorithm has a few heuristics, it is still very dynamic.  So occasionally you may see a river that bends unnaturally, or a street that goes a short way into the harbor or a house overlapping the river.  If you get a map you basically like, most of these issues can be fixed within minutes using a basic image editor.

6 Comments on “Toward a Truly Random City Map Generator

  1. Searching for the issue reveals it is actually a known bug in Google Chrome:

    But they do mention a workaround: fallback to an older “applet” tag instead of the current “object” tag. That will likely cause issues in other browsers though so I’ll see if I can do some browser detection thing or offer up a separate page.

  2. If you ever want to talk about randomly generating things (and how hard and how fun it can be) send me an IM or email some time.

    And by the way, thanks for saving me work! I was going to include a random city gen in my City Generator Pack, but I don’t like replicating other people’s work, so now I can just point people at your generator. My market map generator has been a ton of fun to design anyway.