RPG Differentiation Chart Updated

It had been over a week since I updated this popular chart and I started to see some comments pointing out the lack of an update.  So I’ve added a few (7th Sea, Dragon Age, Marvel SAGA, Song of Ice and Fire) and I have also made a few other changes such as moving Earthdawn.  Keep in mind that now that because the chart is at 101 games, I don’t think too many more will be added too frequently.  A lot of people have seen it and made suggestions and 90% of those suggestions have been included.  There may be a few games that qualify and haven’t been suggested yet but at this point the chart is nearly complete.

Also, because the chart has become so popular I’ve elevated it to a page on the site instead of just a post.

Here’s the new home of the chart: http://inkwellideas.com/?page_id=1187