DungeonMorph Dice Dungeon Set 1 Designs
As mentioned a few days ago, while the designs have been final for a couple of weeks, they weren’t yet in an easy to post format due to the file format, size and line thicknesses required. However, I do need to convert them into an easier to view format for the creation of the card deck and the font. I’m nearly done with that, so I’m ready to post them!
While the post linked above included the designs for one die (the libraries/scholarly places/mage rooms die) which is part of the second dungeon dice set (as opposed to the cavern set or the first dungeon set) this post will have all the designs for the first dungeon set. Each design on each die has a small letter to designate its die. As a reminder, while each die has a theme in most cases a design or two is purposely generic and the other designs can also be made fairly generic by dropping an altar symbol or changing a portcullis to a normal door, etc.
And before I get to the designs, let me thank again my collaborators:
- Tim Ballew “Risus Monkey” http://www.risusmonkey.com/
- M. S. Jackson “Lapsus Calumni” http://snikle.wordpress.com/
- Shane Knysh “Fictitious Entry” http://fictitiousentry.posterous.com/
- Dyson Logos “A Character for Every Game” http://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/
- David Millar “Dave’s Mapper” http://davesmapper.com/
- Brutus Motor “This is Dice Country” http://thisisdicecountry.blogspot.com/
- AJ Stone “Stonewerks” http://stonewerks.wordpress.com/
Barracks Die
Dining Rooms/Kitchens Die
Halls, Great Die
Worship Areas Die
Unusual Designs Die
I’ll be posting all the designs for the other two sets within the next few days because most of the conversion work is already done. Let me know what you think! I hope you’re as excited as I am.
Very very excited!!
Fantastic! These are going to be so cool.