More On Monster Stand-Ins (Plastic-Card Minis)

Monster Stand-Ins
Monster Stand-Ins

The new-news is that I’m able to include 12 plastic card stands with each set of Monster Stand-Ins.  If you’re unfamiliar with the project, or you missed the last update (a la carte pricing; increase from 160 to 200 minis) please keep reading.

Monster Stand-Ins are a set of 200 plastic card miniatures (like cardboard minis, but on credit-card-like plastic) of creatures for games that use miniatures. Use them when you don’t have enough miniatures or don’t have the right miniature. The front of each will have a full-color picture of a creature and the back will have a matching silhouette.

The plastic makes them much more durable than home-printed minis or even cardboard minis. Because they are plastic, you can also freely write on them with a dry erase maker. Writing the hits taken, special conditions, or even Kobold #12 on the mini itself makes tracking which creature is which and which has been hit much easier.

So originally the project was to do 160 miniatures.  However now the set will come with 200 plastic-card minis.  Also, anyone who orders one physical set may order extras in an almost a la carte fashion: order an extra card’s worth of minis for just $.50.  There are 8 small creatures on a card, 4 mediums on a card, 2 larges or 1 huge per card.  The project page lists which creatures are on each planned card in the set, and for the most part it makes sense.  (The 4 skeletons are on a card, the 2 owlbears are on the same card, etc.)  So if you want around 50 orcs, you can get them for just about $6. (Plus the cost of 1 base set.)

Finally, as noted in the first line, the set will in fact include 12 plastic card stands.  If you need more, pledge an extra $3 for 20 more.  They will primarily be black, but if there is high interest in giving a variety of colors we can do that.