New Monster Stock Art & Cardstock Minis Project

Back by popular demand!

100 more creatures as stock art or PDF/laminated cardstock minis!  There are a couple of early bird rewards, so you may want to consider them quickly:

  • The $25 cardstock minis reward includes an organizer box and is limited to the first 20 pledges.
  • The $200 “All” stock art reward for publishers will go up when/if it seems likely we’ll surpass out initial goal and therefore include more art.  Lock in the $200 price early!

Here’s the link:

If you liked the prior set of minis, I hope you’ll support this one too.  In addition to getting sheets on minis for the new creatures, we’ll also have the prior sheets available in case you want more of them.

And the stock art is improved because you can choose line art versions as well as color backgrounds for each piece.

Please do pass word along through your social networks, forums, blog posts, etc.

You can pick up the prior PDF of monster minis at RPGNow. You can select the prior stock art as rewards for the new project, but if you want it sooner check it out on our stock art page.  (However, we’re still not done post it all. If you want it all, check out the order link on the center of the  home page here.)

Thank you for your support!