Dungeon World; Labyrinth Lord; Adv Conq King System & System Neutral Monster Cards

As part of our Creature and Encounter Card Kickstarter project I’ve posted a sample goblin using stats for Dungeon World; Adventurer Conqueror King System; and a System Neutral version version (with facts and legends which is useful for knowledge checks.) We also have a larger sample with Labyrinth Lord stats for several creatures.

Due to a couple of technology improvements, we know we can make offering these cards for different game systems cost effective. We may even do versions with B&W line art monsters in addition to the full color set.

The project also has a deck of encounter cards which let you randomly draw a map, encounter outline and a few other details for a mini-lair or encounter. Use the cards to make your random encounters more interesting or to stock a hex crawl. (Each card has an encounter outline on one side and a map and other details on the other side. To create an encounter, you draw a card for an outline, another for a map, and another one or two for some other details such as a trap or plot twist idea.)

Finally, the project also offers a cardstock minis PDF and stock art for other publishers to use. Thanks for your support!