Cityographer Progress Update

I just posted the following to the Cityographer project’s Kickstarter updates page:

Hi all,

I wanted to give everyone another update on development progress.  I think bullet points are the best way to list the details:

  • At the moment, the Undo/Redo feature is done but a little wonky… it needs more testing.
  • I’m 25% of the way into the Load & Save functionality.
  • I need to improve the use of textures in the system.  (Let you choose them as fills for shapes, let you import your own etc.)
  • There is still some work to do to finalize the data generator file.  (Used to generate names of people from different cultures, which cultures are in your city, price lists, inn names, etc.) Yes, you are able to edit this and use your own version.

One feature I added and finished already is a second street layout algorithm that results in a more ordered street pattern.  I’ve very happy with it, although I do need to tweak one thing.  (Give it some bit of randomness.)

And that’s all I want to finish before going alpha.  Hopefully that’s in the ballpark of 2 weeks!

That does mean that we are delaying two feature until the beta: building floorplans and copy/paste.  I was excited about doing copy & paste (based on my prior questions) but I do want to get the alpha out and I think we can get by without it for a week or three.

Thanks again!