Creature & Encounter Card Decks Project Expands

multi-layerIn case you missed the announcement elsewhere, the Creature and Encounter Card Decks project has expanded to 4 creature card decks (from 3 decks) and 2 encounter card decks (from 1 deck). Each deck has 54 cards plus a cover card and a license card.

The project will make beautiful monster art cards with game stats on back & encounter generator cards–Mad Libs/Book of Lairs mash-up.

  • 4 Decks of different creatures in each deck.
  • Each monster deck will be done for each chosen game system: System neutral (ecology/knowledge check info), 3.75E/3.5E fantasy, 1E fantasy, and likely Dungeon World and maybe a couple of others. (We’re doing a poll to select the systems. The list will be final around 1/15.)
  • 2 Encounter card Decks: Encounter cards are great for generating an interesting random encounter or for stocking a hex crawl.
  • A PDF of the creatures as paper minis is also available.
  • Most of the art is available as stock art for other publishers.

Funding ends February 2nd.