Monster Coloring Book PDFs: New Creature & Encounter Card Kickstarter Reward

Monster Composite by Eric Quigley.
Monster Composite by Eric Quigley. A free print for backers of 5+ physical decks.

My latest update to the Creature & Encounter Cards project:

First the quickest update to mention: If you want to watch me talk about the project for 5 minutes, I finally added a video to the project.  If you know the project well, the most important part is probably me showing the actual sample cards printed by DriveThruCards. (A new DriveThruStuff website coming soon.)

Second, based on backer suggestions, we’re going to make two PDF coloring books from the line art of this project (and the line art we’re adding to our prior monster art Kickstarter.)  One coloring book will be centered on less-scary creatures (fey, animal-ish creatures like owlbears, creatures from classic myth like pegasus or centaur or cyclops–but not a medusa and maybe some dragons–but nothing scarier than that).  The other book will have the scarier creatures.  If you’re already getting 7+ physical decks, these are a free add-on–you don’t need to do anything.  Otherwise add $3 each to your pledge or pledge at the new $3 coloring book level for one and pledge an extra $3 if you want both.

Next, we’ve got a lot of great art to show.  Beside this post you’ll see the 5 creatures we asked Eric Quigley to create.  In addition to doing them individually for the cards & stock art, we asked him to also make a composite image of those creatures to use as a print for a binder cover.  This is a free add-on to anyone picking up 5+ physical decks.  Also, you’ll see all the line art versions of these creatures in our latest updateOn that page you’ll also  see Matt Bulahao’s 10 creatures in a near final form.  He’s working on the backgrounds now, but he is looking for any final touch-up feedback before he does the final touch-up on them.

We’re only a few hundred dollars from our goal, but we only have 2 days left, so let’s make the goal!  (And any extra lets me cut fewer corners…  remember we’ve already gone from 3 to 5 creature decks, added a second encounter deck, added the print below and added the coloring books.  Also, as I posted before my original timeframe estimates were based on the original scope.  While I expect to get the stock art out to backers in the original timeframe please expect some of the creature decks in particular to take an extra month or two.)