Cityographer (City Generator & Map Software) Update: Copy/Paste, Map Item Labels, Export & Fantasy Map Items
I’m happy to say I’ve been getting some of the features knocked out. If you download the latest version, you’ll get copy/paste functionality, map item labels, and a basic export notes function. (The downloads on the linked page allow you to city the software, but buying a license unlocks the “Pro” features. Here is more info on each of the new features:
- Copy/Paste: To use this, go to the “Edit” header bar menu and choose “Select”. Then make a polygon on the map. Any items in the polygon will be part of that selection area. (For lines/roads and shapes the object must be fully inside. Map Items just need the center point inside.) Then choose “Copy” or “Cut” from the “Edit” menu. Finally, right-click on the map where you want the new items centered and choose “Paste” from the pop-up menu.
- Map Item Labels: One of the things holding up the export feature was a good way to label things on the map so when you export the map you can easily reference things. Otherwise if you look at the export, a building’s id may be random compared to where it is placed. But maps have solved this in the past by dividing the map into sections and telling you that “Main St” is in section K5. I’ve done something similar by dividing the width and height of the map into 26 sections so any buildings in the top left will be AA1, AA2, etc. Buildings in the bottom right will be ZZ1, ZZ2, etc. At the moment you need to zoom in to read the labels. I plan to give a control to globally resize them. Currently you can turn them on/off with a checkbox on the left sidebar. You can change the label using a pre-existing field on the bottom section of the map items tab.
- Export Notes: This is still pretty basic, but it was not working at all previously. Choosing this creates an html page listing all your notes (using the details of each building). It is sorted by label, so AA1 is at the top and ZZ1 (if they exist) is at the bottom. One big improvement coming in the next update will be to include zoomed in sections of the map just before each area’s notes.
In addition to that, I also fixed a bug with one of the data files (medieval) which was preventing it from auto-generating a city and documented the file formats if you want to customize them or create your own. Before my next update, I plan to update the other genre’s files so they can auto-generate cities as well.
And finally, Keith has been creating wonderful fantasy-genre map items for the last map pack. You may have see a couple elven things way back when the Kickstarter was funding and one other in the last update. Here is one more (a theatre) and a dwarven forge: