Monday Maps: Gatehouse
This week’s “Monday Maps” features a three level gatehouse. The main floor has some storage, tables for guards, a small holding cell and a firepit. Two sets of portcullis will trap a suspect or group under the center section above. Spiral stairs could lead down to underground levels (not mapped here) and up to level two. Doors lead to tunnels in the stone walls. A barred metal door leads to the center section and another allows access from the castle or city grounds.
Level two has murder holes in the center section and fireplaces to keep boiling liquids hot. Space is also used for few tables and storage. Doors lead out to the battlements.
Two catapults are stationed atop the third floor.
Previously jails, shops, town halls, temples, a wizard’s tower, medieval homes, taverns and inns have been posted.
Feel free to use them for your game! The Dungeonographer (.dgo) files allow you to edit them in Dungeonographer (including the free version), just right-click and “save-as.” The thumbnail pictures themselves link you to 1?=5?=300dpi versions suitable for printing as battlemats at their original sizes: