Cityographer Fantasy Buildings/Graphics Icon Pack Released

Just yesterday we posted a new Cityographer add-on (but good for any mapping tool or image editor that accepts PNG images) featuring 150 new fantasy buildings plus a bunch of other graphics.
Whether you’re creating an elegant city of elves, a domain of dwarves, an outpost of orcs, a town of buildings in trees, a cluster of hobbit holes, or something really different (wizard towers, magical academies, hedge mazes, etc.) this art collection has you covered!
Want to flesh out a fantasy city for your game? Include this set of nearly 200 city map images including 150 building icons/symbols in your image library! Art by the amazing artist/cartographer Keith Curtis.
You may publish maps using these icons–see the license on the linked page. Full list of buildings is also noted below.
Each image is a transparent PNG so it can be imported into many image and map editors, including Cityographer. Smaller buildings (houses, small shops) are generally around 200x200pixels. Other buildings are larger.
More details and samples are on the Cityographer Fantasy Icons page.