Cityographer Updated

Just released an update to Cityographer to make a few key improvements/fixes. (There are free and pro versions, look for the “Downloads” page.)  Here is the list of changes:

  • You can now set a city center that doesn’t match where two major roads/highways meet.  In fact, you can generate the streets without any major roads.  Go to the “generate” menu and choose “Mark City Center.”
  • Zooming in and out now works much better.  It is a bit hard to explain where it would jump incorrectly, but it now keeps the map centered properly on the same spot when you use the “+” and “-” buttons.
  • An issue where a change to the contents of a building (residents, inventory) would cause that info to be lost is now fixed.
  • An issue creating a map of 25,000+ residents was fixed.  At one point, you couldn’t add streets because the default number of streets for a large population was above the maximum number of streets in the drop-down.
  • In the past if you picked “File” and “New” it would make 2 “Cityographer Start” windows.  Now it properly makes just one.
  • A few large pop-up windows (selecting buildings for example) opened at a very large size.  Now they are reduced, but can be resized if desired.  (The main content was in a scrollpane anyway.)