1E World Map Style Icons Released

1e World Icons Example
1e World Icons Example. Click to enlarge.

If you like Hexographer’s easy to use interface, but prefer maps in the 1E World of Greyhawk boxed set style, we’ve just released a new icon set that fills this niche perfectly. This page has more details including samples, a how-to video, and how to order.

Hexographer already has built in several icons to create maps in the 1E World of Greyhawk map style, and there is a tutorial that shows how to use Hexographer to create these maps. But this icon set gives you more options: more tree clusters, mountain ranges, etc.  Plus there are icons for new/different terrain types! These icons are done in the same style by artist/cartographer Keith Curtis, but cover other terrain such as: dead tree forests, forested mountains, sand dunes, badlands, etc.


3 Comments on “1E World Map Style Icons Released

  1. Nope, sorry Joe. Not at the moment. Its a good idea, but I did try to streamline the current process so you can load all the icons from a folder at once. Or even select multiple folders at the same time (if they have the same parent folder) as in the video.