1E World Map Style Icons Released

If you like Hexographer’s easy to use interface, but prefer maps in the 1E World of Greyhawk boxed set style, we’ve just released a new icon set that fills this niche perfectly. This page has more details including samples, a how-to video, and how to order.
Hexographer already has built in several icons to create maps in the 1E World of Greyhawk map style, and there is a tutorial that shows how to use Hexographer to create these maps. But this icon set gives you more options: more tree clusters, mountain ranges, etc. Plus there are icons for new/different terrain types! These icons are done in the same style by artist/cartographer Keith Curtis, but cover other terrain such as: dead tree forests, forested mountains, sand dunes, badlands, etc.
Is there a way to make the new icons “sticky” in the tool, so I don’t have to re-import them every time the program is launched?
Nope, sorry Joe. Not at the moment. Its a good idea, but I did try to streamline the current process so you can load all the icons from a folder at once. Or even select multiple folders at the same time (if they have the same parent folder) as in the video.
Fair enough. Thanks!