Initial Geomorph Contest Winners!
Judging our first #GeomorphMapContest was hard! My thanks to Matt Jackson who I solicited for advice on the entries. We’ve got 5 runner-ups and 1 winner. First the runner-ups, in no particular order:
And our winner is:

We almost didn’t include this in our top 5. Another of Andrey’s designs (the contest allowed up to 3 entries per person) with a classic blue style was in the top 5 at one point. At first it struck me as being a little too different… and I didn’t understand how you actually get into the throne room. But Matt mentioned it being interesting, then I figured out (I think) that the purple question mark-like symbol probably teleports. The different-ness has more than grown on me. So congratulations Andrey! We’ll be in touch to send you a set of our DungeonMorph Dice.
So that’s the first edition of the geomorph map contest. I hope it has been fun and no one feels slighted. Several other maps could have been in the top 5… in fact some other maps were top 5, but we re-hashed the list a few times and eventually had to finalize it. Having a winner and giving something away is nice, but the primary goal is to get people excited about making maps, seeing & experimenting with different styles, exchanging ideas, and giving everyone a little more exposure.
The time is late at the moment, so we’ll save the official rules & kick-off of the next contest for tomorrow… the rules will be largely the same except for a few things to streamline the process for us and make having a few judges part of the official process. But in case someone wants to get a jump on it, the ingredient this time will be Lava. Entries will be due late on Monday May 4th. Please don’t actually send entries to us until we get the revised rules posted.
Thank you, Joe, Matt, and other guys!
Your maps is awesome!
And, of course, only way to this hidden pink throne lay through the mystery purple elvish mark.