Vote to Help Choose Inkwell Ideas’s October 2015 Patreon Icons & Graphics

A few days ago we delivered the September graphics set to our Patreon backers, and now we’re getting ready to start our October graphics.  We have a survey running through this Monday (the 5th) to help us decide what direction to go with the icons & graphics for each program.  Join the Patreon now to get a voice into October’s graphics!

Through Patreon, each month we’ll put together at least one pack of 15+ icons for each of our 4 programs: Hexographer, Cityographer, Dungeonographer, and the Coat of Arms Design Studio.  (60+ icons in all, and some months we may do two packs of 60+ icons each.)  Plus, some icons can be used in multiple tools.

These icons will be PNG (or SVG for the Coat of Arms graphics) and therefore use-able in general image editors as well as other map programs that accept those formats.

Patreon allows you to back projects that deliver smaller, incremental milestones.  You pledge a small amount per milestone and you are only charged when the project delivers.  You may also cap your pledge to a maximum amount per month.