Cell Geomorph Map Contest Entries to Date
There are just a few days left in the “Cells” edition of our Geomorph Map Contest: the deadline is late on November 23rd/Early the 24th, 3am US Eastern time on technically November 24nd. Your design should have a prison cell… perhaps several. The tile can even be thought of as a cell block. Get the full details in this post. The winner receives an electronic copy of Chubby Monster Games’ Moleskin Maps and a set of our DungeonMorph Dice. (The dice and matching cards are 20% off if you add the code “morphs20” during checkout.)
Now on to the entries so far:
Gregory MacKenzie’s Designs
Greg sends in a group of four connected rooms as one design and an eerie “Cells of Madness.”

a. A portal barred by a portcullis.
b. A locked secret door, the key to it is at map key f.
c. The bars of this portcullis are bent open.
d. A 20 foot deep pit descends into darkness.
e. A thin puddle of universal solvent pools here, it dissolves anything
it touches except glass. It can’t be scooped up easily. A drop of this
will dissolve a lock or iron bar.
f. This door is locked, there is a rusty key here on the floor but it
does not fit this lock, it fits the secret door at b.
g. A skeleton lays on the floor here.
h. This portcullis is raised, but it is a trap that descends on anyone
who enters the portal.
k. This door is locked, there is a key on the floor on the opposite side
of the door at f. but it does not fit this lock, it fits the secret door
at b.

This geomorph are fragments of the brain cells of an ancient cthonic
god. The chambers are filled waist deep with mucus in which the nuclei
float. They glow. If they or the walls are attacked all characters
present are struck by lightning. Random lightning will flash between the
a. This nuclei changes character attribute values by randomly switching
b. This nuclei heals all damage, poisons, and brings the dead back to life.
c. This nuclei gives off lightning, attacking characters, but an
attribute will rise by 1 value.
d. This nuclei randomly changes character moral compass, alignment,
etc., to its opposite value.
e. This nuclei bestows a level increase, unfortunately it is in another
class, thus changing the class of the character to match.
f. This nuclei boosts one attribute to its maximum value but lowers
another to its minimum.
Tony Obert’s Designs
Tony Obert offers a couple of ideas for outdoor cells. The first is a slaver camp, located at the entrance of a gorge. The second is a “zoo” owned by a wealthy poacher. The animals, which range from a mermaid, to a unicorn, to a phoenix. They are all magically held there and for sale. Soon after they are sold they are usually replaced.

Thanks for the entries to date!