5e Fiendopedias Updated!

legendary_beasts_rpgnowLate late year we began launching our 5e Fiendopedias: collections of five or six creatures with 5e stats that are generally not in the official 5e monster book.  Each creature gets a great full color image and full 5e stats as well as ecology information.  Most take up one page, although several (those with many powers usually) continue on to a second page or the back side of a sheet if you print duplex.

These have turned out very well, but we wanted to go back and give them an extra pass of editing. As we’ve converted more monster stats we’ve learned and wanted to go back to the earlier creatures.  Tim Bannock of Neuron Phaser has led most of this effort.  We still have another couple more to re-review, but the Legendary Beasts, Forgotten Constructs and Powerful Undead have all been revised.