New Monsters for 5e: Stalker Outsiders!

Stalker Outsiders
Stalker Outsiders

A new 5e Fiendopedia is now available!  “Stalker Outsiders” features a Barghest, Greater Barghest, Bebelith, Gloomwing, Tenebrous Worm, Wendigo, and Yeth Hound. Get it now at its $.99 discounted initial price!

Each release in the series has 5 or more creatures for the 5th edition of the world’s best known role-playing game.  Each creature features high quality full color art and 5e stats converted from prior editions of the game.

And in case you missed it, last week “Imperial Dragons” was also added to Inkwell Ideas’ line of 5e Fiendopedias.

See all of our 5e Fiendopedias in their own category page.