Hexographer & Dungeonographer Updated: Better Printing, Shape Tags, Numbering Placement

Hexographer & Dungeonographer have both had a few significant improvements released in the past few days! You can get the update from the Hexographer or Dungeonographer websites. (Those links go to the free version download pages, but if you have a license code, the pro features are automatically activated.)

Here is a summary of the key changes:

  • New Feature: Print to PDF on the file men. Because of issues with Java and printer drivers, printing worked well for some people and for others it would be an adventure. We’ve added this new feature to let you set up a page (size & margins) and resize the map (squares or hexes per inch) and output that to a PDF which will span pages as needed.
  • Added gm-only and infrastructure/natural/political checkboxes to shapes. Shapes didn’t have checkboxes for these tags, so now they do.
  • On the Configure Numbering tab, we added an option to put Grid Numbers above all objects. Someone noticed that a map that had many “map items” had the grid numbers obscured.  Now there is an option to place them above all map objects.