Infinite Campsites Released: Quickly Create Campsites and Random Occurrences

The party embarks on an overland journey. But where will they pass the nights? Do you have several campsites ready so you don’t have to simply say, “At the end of the day,  you make camp and night passes”?

The tables of Infinite Campsites allow you to quickly improvise a campsite. With a few d12 rolls (a common die that needs more uses!) you’ll have a basic campsite setting, when it was last used, how plentiful water and fuel are, and ideas for as many occurrences (normal or unusual) as you feel appropriate.

For example, here is a simple campsite description and two normal occurrences:

  • A well used fire pit. Bare spots are obvious places for tents; last used a month ago; a creek is nearby and game/fish, but only cow chips to burn. The party’s mounts become restless. Edible berries or mushrooms are found.

Or an unusual campsite with a normal occurrence and an unusual one:

  • Area of campsites maintained by low level druid, small donation requested. The PC’s spot was last used a week ago. A creek, game/fish and wood are nearby, but wet from recent rain. Wind in the trees causes a strange whistle periodically. Moonlight illuminates a door on a mountain wall or large tree.

Of course, you may also use this document as a source of ideas by simply skimming the options and picking one that fits.