Monster Stand-Ins Virtual Table Top Tokens v1 Released

We’ve now released something different: Virtual Table Top Tokens based on our Monster Stand-Ins Cardstock/Print-them-yourself Miniatures. These are not top-town graphics. Top-down has a more realistic view, but these front-view icons give you a better look at the creature and make it more distinctive.
We took the art from our initial stock art & cardstock miniatures Kickstarter:
- Cropped them to their head and shoulders (or equivalent).
- Resized them based on their size categories and based on Roll20’s 3 inches in real life equals 1 pixel in the graphic (which works out to 5 feet equals 180 pixels). However, any virtual table top will load them and should resize them as needed.
- Given them a circular “token” look.
- Also created a 100x100pixel version of each graphic to use for players with low bandwidth.
If you use virtual table tops, give them a try! And send us a message if you see something that needs to be changed/fixed.