5e Magic Item Card Catalog Kickstarter Hits Stretch Goals

A few days ago, the 5e Magic Item Card Catalog Kickstarter hit its initial goal and as of this writing four stretch goals been reached. Most increased the variety of art in the decks, but one goal added an extra deck to the project.
The project will create printed trading cards as well as PDFs of trading cards & index cards with great magic item art on one side, rules on the back. The linked page has links to 48-card sample PDFs.
The new deck is a second deck of armor and weapons. The original/core set of card decks has an armor & weapons deck that is fairly generic. It has at least one card for all the core armor and weapon types (plate mail, leather, long sword, short sword, mace, long bow, flail, greataxe, etc.) but the back of each card is blank with lines to write in whether it is +1, +2, vicious, a luck blade, etc. (Write on photo-safe tape if you wish to re-use the cards.) The PDFs will have template versions so you can write the info in before printing. The new deck will have the more common specific items such as a berserker greataxe, mithral chain mail, and so on.
The project’s next stretch goal split this new deck of armor and weapons into two separate decks: one for armor and the other for weapons. This gives us more cards for more possible combinations. For example we can do mithral and adamantine versions of nearly every metal armor, instead of sticking with the more common armor types.