New Decks of Beasts & Creature Card Codices Kickstarter

We’ve just launched a new Kickstarter to help us finish our card adaptations of the creatures from Kobold Press’s Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex book.  This Kickstarter will help us decide the size of the print run for the next deck (to have a 4th Deck of Beasts, similar to the 4 Creature Card Codices we’ve created). And it will decide whether we do a 5th deck that covers the highest level creatures from both books (animal lords, ancient dragons, arch-devils, demon lords, and a few others).  As a stretch goal we have a deck of NPCs from the two books.
These cards are great to pin to a DM screen (players see art, DM sees stats), sort them to track initiative, and the art is more vibrant on card stock!
We’ve previously done seven decks: three for the Tome of Beasts creatures and four for the Creature Codex creatures. Note: there is a stretch goal to do a smaller deck of about 30 cards to cover the NPCs in both books.
The 9 Card Decks with all the creatures in the Tome of Beasts & Creature Codex books.
The 9 Card Decks with all the creatures in the Tome of Beasts & Creature Codex books.