More Decks of Beasts/Creature Card Codices Kickstarter Hits Stretch Goal

Our Kickstarter for more Decks of Beasts & Creature Card Codices ends January 13th 11pm US Eastern.

We’ve released a series of seven creature decks (three Decks of Beasts from the Tome of Beasts and four Creature Card Codices from the Creature Codex) with the stats & art of creatures from Kobold Press’s Tome of Beasts & Creature Codex. Each deck has about 90 cards. The stats are for the 5th edition of the world’s best known role-playing game.

We’d like to finish the sets by printing the highest rated creatures from both decks. That will mean a 4th 90 card Deck of Beasts which focuses on the creatures from the Tome of Beasts with challenge ratings 10-14 and one deck of the highest rated creatures from both books. This last deck will have many creatures that take up two cards to accommodate the many traits and actions they have. Plus we’ve hit a stretch goal to make an NPC deck as well.

Cards are great for: sort & bring just the monsters you need; clip them to your GM screen so the players see the art & the GM sees the stats; track initiative by keeping them in order–add index cards or post its for the PCs; show off the great art on the high quality glossy cardstock.