Dungeon Oddities: Warrior-King Spirit

Bygone Hero by Dean Spencer
Bygone Hero by Dean Spencer

Our 4th in a series of weird things to find in a dungeon/cavern/ruins. Each is an unusual event or has strange effects on any encounter there.

Warrior-King Spirit

Undead, Gift, Challenge, Sidequest

The translucent figure of a warrior sits in a large wooden chair. Possible events: (Roll a d6 or choose):

  1. The figure recites a riddle or asks a question. If given the correct answer he holds out the hilt of his sword to grant it as a reward. He gives the shield to another. He may have other items (amulet, boots, etc. for other characters.)
  2. The shade grabs his shield and steps forward and bows in recognition to the party for their past accomplishments. He then gives the party several items as in #1 and finally disappears.
  3. The ghostly image is following a script. It is like the PCs are watching a scene from the past and can not interact with it. The scene gives some clue about their current quest.
  4. The old warrior signals a champion must best him in a duel, the first to successfully strike the other three times is the winner. If bested he grants them an item or clue.
  5. The spirit implores or compels the party to complete a quest before he will bestow upon them an item, access to a special chamber behind him, or a clue on a larger adventure.
  6. Although he looks kind, the figure has been magically commanded or corrupted to attack all intruders on sight.