Hexplorations: City/Town Attractions

City Watch Tower by The Forge Studios/Maciej Zagorski
City Watch Tower by The Forge Studios/Maciej Zagorski

Building on yesterday’s Hexploration (charts for details of things you may encounter in a hex crawl or simply developing your world) which gave general information about cities & towns, Here are a couple of charts for major attractions in a city or town.

Roll a d6 for the column and row to determine a location of interest. A small town might have just one or two, while a city may have many. If a location doesn’t make sense for the city (a harbor for a city without a coast), reroll. If the you get the same result multiple times, it may be particularly noteworthy or opulent–perhaps it is even a Wonder of the World!

Of course, you may also choose from the charts based on any pre-determined role of the city.  For example, if it is a capital, it should have several government buildings.

For several location types (marked with an asterisk), you may wish to know more about that location.  Use the second chart to determine specific details such as a University’s specialty or a Museum’s focus.

Possible attractions:

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Entertainment Arena* Circus Light Show Menagerie Theater Zoo
2 Crafting/Shopping Carnival Casino Guild HQ* Magic/Curiosities Shop Master Craftsmen* Massive Store/Mall
3 Scenic Gardens Great Bridge Point/Tower w/Overlook Scenic Neighborhood* Harbor “Old City”
4 Education Museum* Observatory Oracle Library University* Wizard Tower
5 Government Barracks/Training Nation’s Legislature Courthouse Mint Palace Prison
6 Other Beaches Haunted Location (roll again for what is haunted) Historic Site* Portal Statue* Temple


1 2 3 4 5 6
Arena Gladiators vs. Gladiators Gladiators vs. Monsters Monsters vs. Monsters Naval Battles Olympics Team Sports
Guild HQ Bankers/Money Changers Judges/Lawyers Merchants Physicians/ Pharmacists Thieves Wool Makers & Merchants
Historic Site Signing of an important document Where a great speech was given Martyr’s execution site Where a miracle occurred Battle site Tomb/Graveyard
Master Craftsmen Carpenters Coopers & Turners (woodworkers) Glassblowers Goldsmiths Masons Shoemaker
Museum Art Historical Artifacts Natural History Recent History Sculpture Religious
Scenic Neighborhood Business Type: stores,  restaurants, sculptors, etc. Residents’ Ethnicity Magical Effect Unusual Material Unique Architecture Wealthy
University Agriculture Arcana (or Science) Engineering Literature History Theology
Statue City/Nation’s Founder God/Goddess Great Leader Great Mage or Priest or Warrior Creature War Memorial