Sidequest: By The Rockets Red Glare

Another pulp adventure Sidequest, this time by Misha Handman:

Castle Grounds
Castle Grounds

Background Info: The PCs need to smuggle a Jewish scientist out of Germany, before his rocketry secrets can fall into the hands of fascist forces!

Getting the PCs Involved:

  • The scientist is a colleague or relative of one of the PCs, and gets them a message.
  • The party is hired by the scientist’s family or by their own government.


  • The PCs must airdrop into Germany at night, to avoid being spotted by German forces.
  • Then they must infiltrate the castle stronghold where the scientist is being forced to work, and find him.
  • The scientist asks the PCs to destroy the research he’s made so far, and to rescue other hostages being used against him. He can provide a few hand-held rocket launchers to help with the escape.
  • The PCs have to slip through the woods surrounding the castle, while Nazi robots built in the facility give pursuit!
  • Arriving at a local town, the PCs have to lay low and arrange for transportation to the border, while dodging German patrols.
  • The PCs must sneak across a heavily-patrolled border with one or more civilians in tow.

Follow-Up Adventure Ideas:

  • The adventurers are asked to act as security for the scientist while he develops rocketry secrets for the Allies!
  • Later, all the scientist’s rockets are failing. Are they being sabotaged by others or the scientist himself?