Sidequest: Stolen Art Recovery

Mansion Map
Mansion Map

And now for a pulp adventure sidequest using yesterday’s map:

Background Info: A former Nazi’s mansion display’s “The Just Judges” a piece of stolen art from the Ghent Altarpiece, missing since 1934. The PCs are hired to hunt him down and recover the art.

Getting the PCs Involved:

  • The PCs are already involved with hunting Nazis. An associate passes on that a high-profile Nazi art-lover was spotted in the area.
  • At a dinner party a PC overhears a conversation mentioning: priceless, only-for-us, get-together, artwork, better-than-a-museum, master race.


  • The PCs need to find out who the Nazi is.  They can “interview” the dinner party guests or ask to speak to the contact. They might also meet art dealers to ask about suspicious collectors or go to an art show and ask there.  The PCs could even learn of a party the Nazi is throwing.
  • One way or another, the characters discover the Nazi’s home. Not taking any chances, he has guards and dogs.
  • They may find a way to get invited to the party, try to slip into it, or try to capture the Nazi and artwork in the middle of the night.  The Nazi rarely goes out, and never alone.
  • The Just Judges is placed above the fireplace when the Nazi has guests he trusts and wants to impress. Otherwise the wall above twists and it is hidden behind–instead the Nazi’s crest (a dragon with a strangely twisted neck and tail) is shown. To make the top of the wall revolve, twist the dragon statue’s head. The entire wall can rotate 90-degrees by twisting its tail. A lever in the back room does the same.
  • If there is any sign of trouble the Nazi and a guard flee to the back room and try to take the art with them, but he values his life more.

Follow-Up Adventure Ideas:

  • If the Nazi gets away, he heads to the airport.
  • If the PCs don’t chase him to the airport in time, they can look for flight records or interview staff there.