DungeonMorphs: Cities Descriptions 1r, 2r, & 3r

Following up on a recent post of more City DungeonMorph descriptions, here are 3 more write-ups! See also the full list of posts in this series.

These are simplified versions of the one to two page descriptions we created for our newest DungeonMorphs via our book of encounter ideas. These descriptions are shorter than those in the book, but they should give you some ideas for each design to get started. As always, change them up and/or add to them as much as needed to fit your setting.

Note: Each die is given a letter-code. These designs go with the “R” die, for sides 1, 2, & 3. See the image for small versions of the actual designs.


Citymorphs R1, R2, & R3
Citymorphs R1, R2, & R3
  • The finest dining restaurant of the city, Starda’s, is housed in the two buildings connected by a walkway over the street. The seating is all upstairs–although tables on the walkway have the best view of a large section of the city and command a high tip to the host or hostess. Downstairs on one side is the kitchen. Downstairs on the other side is another kitchen for Starda’s-On-The-Go, serving quick versions on their regular fair as a thermopolium.
  • The trees near Starda’s are their fruit trees. When in season, they use the fruit from the trees for their award-winning pies.
  • A rumor has spread recently saying that this well’s water cures minor ailments, so there are usually a few people getting water here. In fact, the water supply is the same as that of most wells in the city.


  • The large gated building is the home of the retired bard ‘Barstun the Fabulous’. He is known to host regular parties where he invites others to perform but he usually does a song or ballad as well. The three other buildings are homes for his staff.
  • One of the trees next to his house is actually a treant, Marduven, who is a friend of Barstun.  Regulars of the area know of Marduven, but leave him alone as any conversation with the treant will soak up much of the day.
  • The L-shaped building is the shop & workshop of Jayke the cobbler. He does high quality work for a fair price.  But he’s known to repair the shoes of the poor for free, so many paying customers seek him out as a way to support his efforts.


  • The building on the circle is an embassy or consulate for an adjacent country. Even if the two nations have good relations, they are always surveilling each other.
  • One of the smaller buildings near the embassy looks like a regular house, but it is actually used by this city’s nation to keep an eye on the embassy.
  • The large square building by itself in Narana’s General Store, run by Narana a very friendly dwarf and her family.  The store is especially well-stocked with all common goods & whatever foods are in season. Her husband Frippy and their six nearly grown children staff it.