Sidequest: Jumping the Claim

Here is another preview of our upcoming Sidequests Kickstarter. (Please select the notify link to show your interest.  Kickstarter will automatically email you when we launch.) This comes from our Frontier Town sidequest deck, but we also have a deck of Coastal Town sidequest deck, as well as Monster Hunts and Pulp Adventures sidequest decks.

Background/GM Info:

Assayer's Office w/Residence Above
Assayer’s Office w/Residence Above

Scoundrels kidnap the town assayer.

Getting the PCs Involved:

  • A prospector ally of the PCs has a big secret—good news! But too dangerous to share openly. The ally is dead when they arrive, and the assayer is missing.
  • The mine owner offers a bounty for the assayer’s return.


  • Rumors are flying! The assayer got a chunk of mithril from a prospector trying to secure a secret claim. Now the prospector is dead and the assayer missing from a
    wrecked office.
  • Alvis is a failed miner turned to banditry. Yesterday his gang was in town. One was injured and arrested rifling the assayer’s office; he might know the gang’s plan.
  • Town guard are slow, gathering a big force because there are many gangs and dangers in Slickface Valley, where Alvis may be hiding. Scoundrels dressed and
    armed like ragged miners attack any strangers in the valley. They know about the abandoned mine where Alvis is interrogating the assayer.
  • Alvis has a magic blindfold to see in the dark, and a magic glove that snuffs out lights. He will ambush in darkness, holding the assayer hostage if necessary.

Follow-up Adventure Ideas:

  • The prospector left the secret of the mine site to a PC in a will they discover.
  • The town hires troubleshooters to make the valley safer.

by Andrew Shields