Isometric World/Kingdom Coastal Icons Preview

The Inkwell Ideas Patreon (sort of an opt-in subscription) continues with February’s “Coasts” themed icons. While we make these icons for Worldographer, most map/image editors that work with PNG images should accept them. Each month we make four map icon sets (an isometric world/kingdom set–seen below, a classic world/kingdom icon set, a battlemat set, and a settlement set of mostly top-down buildings) with a theme voted on by our supporters. Support us for as little as $3/month and get 100+ icons each month as well as support new features added to Worldographer.

This set will have a huge number of Isometric World/Kingdom icons this month! We wanted to make it easy to make more beautiful maps in Worldographer with the isometric set, and one sore spot has been coasts that don’t look great.  So cartographer Keith Curtis has made four versions for each of five different configurations of coast lines. For example, in the sample below, we’ve got a shore configuration that is the coast for the top or bottom flat side of a hex (in Worldographer, check a box to flip the icon vertically to make a shore designed for the bottom appear on the top), then another for the one angled side of a hex (again check the flip horizontal or vertical checkboxes in Worldographer to get it to appear on a different edge), then another for the top or bottom and an adjacent side, and so on. And we do each of those four times over cutting into the hex to differing degrees. Eventually it is up to you to put two or more together if you want a small island or peninsula with four or five sides of water.

(Cue Crazy Eddie Voice) But wait–that’s not all! We do all of that for both the rocky & sandy shores. And we add in several river mouths and deltas. Finally, we do all of that for both hex orientations. That ends up being over 100 icons already! (Note: the counts in the image don’t count the hex rows & hex columns orientations separately.)

But just in case you don’t plan to use the coast icons, we’re still making 15 more icons for coral reefs, domed cities, lighthouses, and other points of interest as shown in the sample.

Thank you for your support! We’ll have three more previews for our other mini-sets of icons shortly. As usual, we’ll have the actual icons posted by the end of the month.

Isometric World/Kingdom Coasts map icons preview.
Isometric World/Kingdom Coasts map icons preview.