Dwarf Village Map Sample

Here is another sample map showing some of the 100 new map icons we’re making this month.   Support us/get them via Patreon!

Dwarf Village Sample
Dwarf Village Sample

It is truly a lot of fun to revisit some of the prior icon sets we’ve done and make several new icons for each–enough to make a small village–but also to then have even more variety for a given theme if you pull in some of our older sets!

So in this sample we have just the new Dwarf building icons artist/cartographer Keith Curtis has created this month. We still have a few more sets to show off! But again, we’re making a few new houses, a couple farms, some shops, an inn, manor, and two mills (wind & water). These are designed to augment another set of icons we made a few years ago. So note that set already has a dwarven armorer, jeweler, etc.)