Classic & Isometric World/Region Map Temple Icons

As you likely know, each month Inkwell Ideas makes 100+ total icons in 4 styles: isometric world/kingdom, classic world/kingdom, settlement, & battlemat based on a theme picked by our patrons. Support us/get them via Patreon! (On the last day of the month we make a pinned post to get the icons via DriveThruRPG at no extra cost.)  This month’s theme is “More Gods”.  We previewed the Settlement icons recently.

In these samples, we have just a handful of World/Kingdom icons in the classic & isometric styles. That’s because the prior Clerics set (these icons continue a set we made a few years back) already did temples of 15 domains and we wanted to use our quota primarily for the Settlement (where we are doing the temples for the new domains and shrines for the old AND new domains) & Battlemat sets (where we’re adding sarcophagi for all the domains–old AND new–as well as other temple features).

More Gods Classic World/Kingdom Map Icons Preview
More Gods Classic World/Kingdom Map Icons Preview
More Gods Isometric World/Kingdom Map Icons Preview
More Gods Isometric World/Kingdom Map Icons Preview